These are the most common questions our customers have asked us.
You need to top-up your account first with one of our payment methods.
Then every hours, we will deduce from your balance the hourly cost of your current offer.
Your Cloud Server VPS is reserved so even if you stop it you continue to use disk space and your CPU/RAM resources are still reserved and billed until you delete the VPS from the dashboard.
If you are in the EU, we are collecting a 20% VAT/Sales tax.
Prices listed on our website do not include tax. Tax will be automatically added to your top-up amount.
If you are a company with a valid VAT number, you can provide it to us in order to update your VAT rate.
No, if the service has been suspended for breaching our terms of service, we will not issue any refunds.
You can reach us by email, we are always happy to help.